This page provides release notes for Anywhere API products released in 2022 and later.

Note: To sign up to be notified about Anywhere API product releases and for status updates for Anywhere API services, go to Anywhere API Status and Subscribe to Updates.

Developer Portal

1.172 April 16, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.172. These changes will be live on 04/16

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • JTP and Regex Soft Launch | CRP Group APIs 

Summary: CRP Group: 100% JTP and Regex Enabled : This release marks the completion of the CRP Group soft launch for JTP (JSON Threat Protection) and Regex checks in production. All APIs within this group are now fully soft launch enabled with these security measures. 

Product API Names Distance Matrix googledistance Listing Tools listingtools Market Report Information mq Prospects prospects Release Notification Service releasenotificationservice 

Benefits: This JTP and Regex Soft launch changes enable checks for SQL injection or content level attacks patterns and stops the malicious incoming requests such that the corrupted data does not invoke the backend system. 


  • Listing Business Capability Product | listingscapability API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Listings Capability API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: Additional attributes like team information and member details are appended to response payload. When a listing is created by teams, team information is populated in response. 

  • Media Capability Product |mediacapability API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Media Capability API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: Uploading media request payload is now having documentFiles array from where user can upload pdf, postscript and svg files. 

  • Invalid body Handler Shared flow - Technical release 

Summary: Invalid body handler shared flow will be deployed in production. 

Benefits: This shared flow handles any invalid body requests and stops the execution if any invalid JSON body present in the request with proper error message. 

Python - JSON Thread Protection Script - Technical release 

Summary: Implementing Python JTP scanning script. 

Benefits: This script is designed to recursively scan through N levels of depth in a Open API specifications, providing a more accurate depth count. 

  • Removed SSL configuration for TMB2B API - Technical release 

Summary: Removed the custom SSL configuration we have for TMB2B API 

Benefits: This shared flow handles any invalid body requests and stops the execution if any invalid JSON body present in the request with proper error message. 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • API Key Expiry Report enhancement 
  • Latest toolkit changes - Detailed toolkit logs and excluding API key revoking calls from the toolkit.

 Benefits: The user can perform the following features - The operational team and publisher can access the app expiry report and assist their consumer with the API key renewal process. 

Technical & Security Fixes 


  • Rendering the product version history page. 
  • By using the Model Form URL a developer can change his/her role to "Company Administrator" 
  • Using the leave company URL, any developers can remove any member from the company 

Benefits: End user will get better user experience from the Anywhere Developer portal

1.171 April 11, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.171. These changes will be live on 04/11

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  •  Settlement Company Capability Product - Product Name Change 

Summary: Settlement Company Capability product update in production environment. 

Benefits: Product display name change for Settlement Company Capability to Settlement Company in portal production environment. 

  • Commissions and Receivables Product | Ar API - Swagger Refresh 

Summary: Ar API swagger refresh in production environment. 

Benefits: Ensures developers have access to the latest API specifications for building integrations using the Ar API. 

  • Phoenix Product | Phoenix API - Swagger Refresh 

Summary: Phoenix API swagger refresh in production environment. 

Benefits: Ensures developers have access to the latest API specifications for building integrations using the Phoenix API. 

  • Consumer Authentication Product | Oktab2c - Swagger Refresh 

Summary: oktab2c API code update in production environment. 

Benefits: The new version of oktab2c API is deployed to support anywhereb2c endpoint.

1.170 April 02, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.170. These changes will be live on 04/02

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • API key revokes workflow from the portal.
  • Scheduler job to revoke the API key that has no expiration date from the portal. 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features - 

The consumer will get the benefit of API key rotation even though their current app API key has no expiration date. 

  • App questionnaire | Policy Organization & Application inclusion into the app questionnaire and push as a custom attribute to APIGEE. 

Summary: Implement to include the policy organization and application selection in the app questionnaire. 

Benefits: The publisher team will use the custom attribute to create specific policies at the organization and application level. 

  • Unique Person Master ID will now be incorporated in Okta User Profile 

Summary: Person Id will help to eliminate duplicate Person profiles in Okta. Okta B2B API supports Person ID to include it in User profile. 

Benefits: This helps whenever a new user is created or an existing user updates their profile, the Person ID attribute will be seamlessly added or updated within the user profile, as necessary. 


  • Anywhere Master Data Product | Places API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Places API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: This new feature for Places API helps in searching for neighbour places based on filter placeType, placeMasterId and brandCode. 

  • Anywhere Master Data Product | Properties API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Properties API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: This new feature for Properties API helps in searching for properties based on categories.

  • Anywhere Master Data Product | Searchsuggestions API - Swagger Refresh 

Summary: Searchsuggestions API swagger refresh in production environment. 

Benefits: This new feature ensures developers have access to the latest API specifications for building integrations using the Searchsuggestions API. 

Technical Fixes 


  • App questionnaire | Rendering default image to the product card if no image for the product. 
  • No company invite option for inactive/offboarded companies. 

Benefits: End user will get better user experience from the Anywhere Developer portal 

  • New regex update in Soft launch shared flow 

Summary: Updating the enhanced regex to production soft launch shared flows. 

Benefits: To avoid regex errors for the generic malicious keyword list pattern updated the regex inline with the sql query syntax.

1.169 March 28, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.169. These changes will be live on 03/28

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • Leadsenginecapabilities API - New Swagger 

Summary: Leadsenginecapabilities API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: These new features for Leadsenginecapabilities API Offers case to agent if case is unassigned and Mark a case to be assigned to a given agent. 


  • Referrallead API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Referrallead API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: New response fields are added to Find Lead endpoint.

1.168 March 26, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.168. These changes will be live on 03/26

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • DataPrivacyAudit API - New Swagger 

Summary: DataPrivacyAudit API new swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefits: DataPrivacy Audit API enables clients to log audit events from API clients to track and verify the actions taken on data privacy requests. This API ensures that all interactions with the DataPrivacy API, especially those concerning consumer opt-out requests and data scrubbing activities, are recorded for audit, compliance, and troubleshooting purposes.


  • AR API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: AR API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: Updates the list of agent's license renewal payment and late fee details. 

  • Comet API - Refresh Swagger Changes 

Summary: Comet API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: Get all drafts for My Deals user, Saves My Deals user's progress, Updates a draft and deletes a draft.

1.167 March 21, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.167. These changes will be live on 03/21

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • JTP and Regex Soft Launch | Anywhere Integrated Services Group APIs 

Summary: Anywhere Integrated Services Group: 100% JTP and Regex Enabled : This release marks the completion of the Anywhere Integrated Services Group soft launch for JTP (JSON Threat Protection) and Regex checks in production. All APIs within this group are now fully soft launch enabled with these security measures. 

Benefits: This JTP and Regex Soft launch changes enable checks for SQL injection or content level attacks patterns and stops the malicious incoming requests such that the corrupted data does not invoke the backend system. 


  • Referral Rewards API - Swagger Changes

Summary: Referral Rewards API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: Two new endpoints are added to update association based on associationId, create new association and liked with existing one and remove co-sponsor details from association or deactivate the recruit.

1.165 March 19, 2024

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.166. These changes will be live on 03/19

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : API Key Expiry Report API to get all the latest apps for the company during the integration toolkit reinitialization. Remove revoke API key functionality from API key rotation. 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features - The operational team and publisher can access the app expiry report and assist their consumer with the API key renewal process. By using the new API, the Integration toolkit can fetch the latest app from the portal during the initialization process, and that can avoid too many download delta files. This will help consumers to continue using existing API keys without any interruption. However, the consumer has to replace the API key with a new one before the app expiry date from the portal. 

  • JTP and Regex Soft Launch | EAP Group APIs 

Summary: EAP Group: 100% JTP and Regex Enabled : This release marks the completion of the EAP Group soft launch for JTP (JSON Threat Protection) and Regex checks in production. All APIs within this group are now fully soft launch enabled with these security measures.

Benefits: This JTP and Regex Soft launch changes enable checks for SQL injection or content level attacks patterns and stops the malicious incoming requests such that the corrupted data does not invoke the backend system. 

  • Pipeline | Backend URL Validation Enhanced 

Summary: To prevent unintended loops and ensure robustness, we’ve implemented a validation mechanism that checks the validity of backend URLs. Specifically, we verify that the URLs do not inadvertently point to the Apigee URL. 

Benefits: Preventing Loops: By validating backend URLs, we ensure that there are no unintended loops in our pipeline. This helps maintain stability and prevents unexpected behavior. 

  • Robustness: Validating URLs adds an extra layer of robustness to our system. We can catch any misconfigured or invalid URLs early in the process, reducing the chances of errors downstream.
  • Improved Reliability: With accurate backend URLs, our system becomes more reliable. Requests are directed to the correct endpoints, minimizing disruptions and enhancing overall performance. 
  • Security: Ensuring valid URLs helps protect against potential security risks. We avoid unintentionally pointing to Apigee URLs, which could expose sensitive information or create vulnerabilities.


  • Technical Fixes 

Summary: App questionnaire and company name rendering are corrected from values passing from the request API credential page. 

Benefits: End user will get better user experience from the Anywhere Developer portal 

  • Listingsdirect-event-processing API - Refresh Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Listingsdirect-event-processing API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: Ensures developers have access to the latest API specifications for building integrations using the Listingsdirect-event-processing API. 

  • Commissions API - Refresh Swagger Changes. 

Summary: commissions API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: Ensures developers have access to the latest API specifications for building integrations using the commissions API. 

  • Deal API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Deal API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefits: These new features for Deal API allow to uploading CDA reports to Transaction Manager. 

  • Transactions API - Spike rate update. 

Summary: Transactions API Spike arrest rate update in the production environment. 

Benefits: This change was updated to roll back from the yearly report rate increase. 

  • tmb2b API - Cert removal changes. 

Summary: tmb2b API cert removal changes in the production environment. 

Benefits: To decrease the response time, we removed TLS certs so that hand shake time can be removed in production. 

  • Pipeline Improvements | Notification 

Summary: The sender address for email notifications has been updated. 

Benefits: Ensures that notifications are delivered from a more reliable and recognizable source. 

  • Swagger Hub | Reference link 

Summary: The validation reference OpenAPI spec URL has been updated. 

Benefits: Publisher can refer this specs for any standard references.

1.164 March 12, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.164. These changes will be live on 03/12

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • OKTA B2B - Strengthened Security with B2B Authentication. 

Summary: Enforce granular access control for Okta write operations using ABAC rules to Anywhere's B2B Instance to manage your users, okta-groups, and user assignments with groups using Authentication B2B. 

Benefits:  Enforce granular access control for Okta write operations using ABAC rules for specific user groups, Apps, Mappings and Meta. Additionally, implementation of a customized Okta write request form with clear and relevant questions to provide approvers with the necessary information to make informed decisions (approve or reject). 

  • Listing Tools - New API Product offering with AI Core Capability. 

Summary: Creation and implementation of Listing Tools product and swagger deployment. 

Benefits: The Listing tool API is a set of endpoints designed to make it easier to integrate with various AI platforms and models. Interact with the AI models using specific endpoints for listing descriptions, image tagging and other real-estate specific needs, or use the generic endpoints to make it your own. Listing Tools API allows clients throughout Anywhere to access AI capabilities. 

  • AI Prompts:  Unleash your creativity and explore new ideas with AI-powered text generation. Craft poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, and more, all with just a few instructions. 
  • AI Listing Descriptions: Save time and effort while creating high-quality listing descriptions. Simply provide some details and let AI do the rest. 
  • AI Image Processing: Understand your images better with AI-powered descriptions. Get detailed information about what's in your photos automatically. 


  • Dataprivacy API - Refresh Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Dataprivacy API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: Added traceId field to the search endpoint response.

1.163 March 07, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.163. These changes will be live on 03/07

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • JTP and Regex Soft Launch | Anywhere Advisors Group APIs 

Summary: Anywhere Advisors Group: 100% JTP and Regex Enabled : This release marks the completion of the Anywhere Advisors Group soft launch for JTP (JSON Threat Protection) and Regex checks in production. All APIs within this group are now fully soft enabled with these security measures.  Product Apis Agent Income and Expenses agentincomeandexpenses Agent Profiles trident Commissions commissions Commissions and Receivables ap Commissions and Receivables deal Commissions and Receivables trident Deals comet Deferred commission deferredcommission Lead Match leadmatch Transactions deal Trident Agent trident 

Benefits: This JTP and Regex Soft launch changes enable checks for SQL injection or content level attacks patterns and stops the malicious incoming requests such that the corrupted data does not invoke the backend system. 


  • Anywhere Leads Engine Transition to Partner Product 

Summary: We are transitioning the Anywhere Leads Engine to a Partner product, which means it will be available to select internal and external business partners in the future. 

Benefits: By offering Anywhere Leads Engine as a Partner product, we can Expand its reach and value partnering with other businesses can broaden the product's impact and create new opportunities. Foster collaboration: This transition can foster collaboration and innovation with our partners. 

  • Transactions Brokerage Product - Cert update | Target URL update | Refresh Swagger Changes.

 Summary: tmb2b API under Transactions Brokerage product cert update, Target URL update and swagger changes are pushed to production environment. 

Benefits: These changes allow the tmb2b consumers invoke the new backend URL along with few swagger change update. 

  • Dataprivacy Product- Refresh Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Dataprivacy Product swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Added a couple of new fields (createDate & updateDate) to the Consumer Opt-Out requests and Added a couple of new date rage filters to get DNS records using request create date and update date.

  •   listingsdirectevent processing API | Swagger update guide for JTP 

Summary: Guided the publishers for updating the schema definitions. 

Benefit: This makes the swagger spec aligned with standards.

1.162 March 05, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.162. These changes will be live on 03/05

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • Tab component to integration toolkit page and globally. 
  • Notify the App creator and company members about the App API key renewal. 
  • Invalidating all integration toolkits once the company is offboarded or deleted. 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features - 

  • The integration toolkit instruction page can be well structured and users can install the toolkit on their application servers as per the categorized instructions. 
  • The consumer will get notified once there is any update on the API key under their company. 
  • Stop toolkit usage once the company is offboarded and deleted. 


  •  Useraccount API - Swagger Changes 

Summary : Useraccount API new swagger changes in production environment. 

Benefits: These new features for Useraccount is used to get the count for account list and can filter by appPoolId and userId with pagination. 

  • Mediacapability API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary : Mediacapability API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: Removed get media document endpoint and updated swagger documentation. 

  • Technical Fixes 


  • Fix the product card display on the App questionnaire page. 
  • Password reset email and Company decline page are moved to the anywhere template. 
  • Fix the access permission for the policy approval workflow. 

Benefits: End user will get better user experience from the Anywhere Developer portal

1.161 February 29, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.161. These changes will be live on 02/29.  

With this release, we have worked on the following:  

New Features:  

  • Listingsdirect-event-processing API - New Swagger Changes 

Summary : Listingsdirect-event-processing API new swagger changes in production environment.

Benefits: These new features for Listingsdirect-event-processing API is used for ingesting and sending messages to and from the DOT system. 


  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes 

Summary : Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefits: Updated request and response parameters for referralsservice API swagger for production environment.

1.160 February 27, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.160. These changes will be live on 02/27

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • ABAC Rule engine database upgrade 

Summary : We're upgrading MongoDB from version 4.4.28 to 6.0.13. 

Benefits: We're updating the Node.js version, MongoDB Node.js Driver, and Mongoose version to meet compatibility requirements. No impact to API consumers.

1.159 February 22, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.159. These changes will be live on 02/22

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Mls API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Mls API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features for Mls API allows to get listings for a given List Agent Master Id, List Company Master Id and List OfficeMaster Id. Along with this doing soft launch for Regular expression check and JSON threat protection. 

  • Tmb2b API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Tmb2b API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features for Tmb2b API allows to get Get My Offices, send documents using formdata and base64, Add document using formdata and base64, copy documents, Get Transaction InDoc Documents and Create Fall Through Transaction. Along with this doing soft launch for Regular expression check.

1.158 February 21, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.158. These changes will be live on 02/21

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : Categorize the integration toolkit as Fargate and other installations. Governance in all company report pages. Governance - Manual API Key renewal process. 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features - 

  • Consumers can download the separate integration toolkit for Fargate and other types of installation. 
  • The operation team can manage the integration toolkit by monitoring and invalidation integration toolkit for each company as per the consumer request. 
  • The operation team can do the api key renewal manually as per the request from company owners or team members. 


  • Removing inactive companies from the “Request API credential” page. 

Summary: Removing the inactive companies from the company dropdown list in the Request API credentials. 

Benefit: This will reduce the app approval failure with the error “No Company found in APIGEE”. 

  • Add validation to stop creating app requests starting with “null_”. 

Summary: Implementing a validation to stop creating the app request that starts with “null_”. 

Benefit: This will reduce the app approval failure with the error “App is already exist in APIGEE”.

1.157 February 15, 2024 (1 month ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.157. These changes will be live on 02/15

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features for Referralsservice API allows to get the reference data which has the picklist values and codes for a given field of referral. 

  • Anywhere Leads Engine - New API Product Creation 

Summary: Creation and implementation of Anywhere Leads Engine product. 

Benefit: The Leads Engine handles ingestion, routing, and assignment of leads for Anywhere brands.

  •  Leadsenginecapabilities API - New Swagger Deployment 

Summary: Leadsenginecapabilities API new swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefit: The Leads Engine capabilities API works by composing together Leads Engine microservices into a uniform API surface to expose key functionality to systems outside the Leads Engine umbrella.

1.156 February 13, 2024 (2 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.156. These changes will be live on 02/13

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Ar API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Ar API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features for Ar API added for DeskAccess query parameter for Create and apply payments endpoints. 

  • Listingscapability API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Listingscapability API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Updated backend endpoint for production environment and request and response parameters are added. 

  • Eapcontacts API - CORS Changes 

Summary: Eapcontacts API CORS configuration update in production environment. 

Benefit: Adding the provided new domains to the CORS configuration in production environment to allow access for Eapcontacts API.

  • Media Capability API - Target URL Update 

Summary: Media capability API target URL update in production environment. 

Benefit: This change will allow the consumers to get the response from the new target server.

1.154 February 06, 2024 (2 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.154. These changes will be live on 02/06

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Executive Report Enhancement 

Summary: Improved the logic of data populating the metrics under the executive report and it will be aligned with the API investor forum. 

Benefit: This will improve the operational team’s capability of generating metrics from executive reports and API investor forums. 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • Introducing Docker file to the integration toolkit. 
  • Performance parameter to the API responses. 
  • Responsive UI Design 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features - Using the docker file, the integration toolkit can be installed in any docker instance and start using it. The operational team can track the API key rotation entire workflow and analyze the performance of each api. API key rotation pages are now compatible with all devices. 

  • User Recertification - New API Product Creation 

Summary: Creation and implementation of User Recertification product. 

Benefit: The User Application Recertification Product provides the ability to read all active employee users and their roles for the specified application and to Remove the specified user’s role from an application. 

  • Userrecertification API - New Swagger Deployment 

Summary: Userrecertification API new swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefit: User Recertification API is used to fetch and manage employee's role and the list of applications, employees have access to. Along with this JTP and Regex Hard Launch is enabled for this API in Production. 

  • Earnestmoney API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Earnestmoney API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features for Earnestmoney API allows to Get All Active Users and their Roles and Deactivates the user role for any user. Along with this JTP and Regex Soft Launch is enabled for this API in Production. 

  • Security API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Security API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Get all employees with role information and De-activate the Employees's role by User Role Identifier for the given application. Along with this JTP and Regex Soft Launch is enabled for this API in Production.

1.153 February 01, 2024 (2 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.153. These changes will be live on 02/01

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Media Capability - New API Product Creation. 

Summary: Creation and implementation of Media Capability product. 

Benefit: Media Capability product is exclusively tailored for managing media. This can be any variation of media entity like listing, agent, office, team etc. 

  • Mediacapability API - New Swagger Deployment. 

Summary: Mediacapability API new swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefit: Media Capability API stores media data from multiple source systems and provides data that can be accessed everywhere in real time. The media can be of any entity like listing, agent, office, team etc. Along with this JTP and Regex Hard Launch is enabled for this API in Production. 

  • Realvitalize API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Realvitalize API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Updated realvitalize API swagger by removing realvitalize from the resource path for 8 endpoints. Along with this JTP and Regex Soft Launch is enabled for this API in Production. 

  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Referralsservice API is designed to intelligently facilitate a given referral with the activities based on its latest stage, status, sub-status to complete its lifecycle. Logical sequence of updates to referral record, creation/update of tasks, creating/sending notifications, creation of events, input validations, business validations and all related appropriate processes are handled based on referral type by the Referral Business Process API. Along with this JTP and Regex Soft Launch is enabled for this API in Production.

1.151 January 23, 2024 (2 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.151. These changes will be live on 01/23

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • Manual API Key renewal process. 
  • Retry logic for all Management API Calls 
  • Responsive UI Design 

Benefits:  The user can perform the following features - 

  • If the API key is not automatically renewed through the integration toolkit because the toolkit is not actively used now. Users can do the manual API key renewal from the Developer Portal - View API credential page. 
  • Introducing the retry logic (3 times) for all API key rotation processes like toolkit registration, API key renewal, and API key revoke. So if any API is down or failed, the portal will retry to complete the process. 
  • All API Key rotation Developer portal pages are now compatible with mobile, tablet and desktop devices. 


  • Legal User Acceptance throws an error with password expiry. 

Summary: Fix the issue of accepting the legal terms and conditions once the user’s password has expired. 

Benefit: User can reset their password seamlessly even though they want to accept the latest legal terms and conditions while doing the password reset. 

  • Authenticated Users can access the Executive dashboard if they have a page URL bookmarked.

Summary: Fix the issue of accessing non-privileged users to the executive dashboard even if they have the page URL. 

Benefit: Secure the executive report only for internal users.

1.150 January 18, 2024 (2 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.150. These changes will be live on 01/18

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Ar API - Swagger Changes Deployment. 

Summary: Ar API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: These new features to allow agents to pay minimum payment due and New endpoints To retrieve and update the recurring fee schedules. Soft launch is enabled along with this change for Ar API.

  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Additional required parameters as part of request body parameters and new request body parameters are added to the referralsservice API, documentation will be updated in production.

1.149 January 09, 2024 (3 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.149. These changes will be live on 01/09

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing the following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improve security. 

New features : 

  • Integration Toolkit - Invalidation & Reactivation. 
  • Integration Toolkit - zip & tar.gz download options. 
  • Integration Toolkit - End of Life validation. 
  • API Key renewal reminder emails 

Benefits: The user can perform the following features as - 

  • If a team member is removed, the company administrator can invalidate and reactivate the toolkit downloaded by the team member. 
  • Option to download toolkit in two formats - .zip and .tar.gz 
  • The portal administrator can release a new version of the integration toolkit and make an end-of-life of the older version. 
  • Portal will send 5 reminders if your application API Key going to expire in the defined SLA. 


  • Ar API - Swagger Changes Deployment. 

Summary: Ar API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: New features added to allow agents to pay minimum payment due and new endpoints to retrieve and update the recurring fee schedules.

1.148 January 04, 2024 (3 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.148. These changes will be live on 01/04

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With these additional changes to the referralsservice API, Added Agent Assignment and Agent Acceptance/Decline details to be tracked for a referral.

1.147 December 21, 2023 (3 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.147. These changes will be live on 12/21

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With these additional changes to the referralsservice API, Consolidated Get search methods into one method , Renamed methods , and Removed Tasks Tag.

1.146 December 19, 2023 (3 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.146. These changes will be live on 12/19

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Data Privacy - New API Product Creation 

Summary: Creation and implementation of Data Privacy product. 

Benefit: Anywhere Data Privacy API serves as a centralized gateway to retrieve consumer opt-out preferences, which is essential for all applications within the Anywhere ecosystem.

  •  Dataprivacy API - New Swagger Deployment. 

Summary: Dataprivacy API new swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefit: With this new API, Data Privacy enables consumers to opt out of the sale or share their personal data. If a consumer chooses to exercise their right to opt out of the sale of their personal data, it is essential to comply with the request. 

  • ListingsCapability API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: ListingsCapability API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Enabling soft launch for ListingsCapability API to prevent content-level-attacks and SQL injections on backend we have JSON threat protection and Regular expression check in the API. 

  • Cryptocurrencyutil API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Cryptocurrencyutil API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Enabling soft launch for cryptocurrencyutil API to prevent content-level-attacks and SQL injections on backend we have JSON threat protection and Regular expression check in the API. 

  • Cryptocurrency API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Cryptocurrency API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Enabling soft launch for cryptocurrency API to prevent content-level-attacks and SQL injections on backend we have JSON threat protection and Regular expression check in the API. 

  • Settlementcalculator API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Settlementcalculator API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Enabling Hard launch for settlementcalculator API to prevent content-level-attacks and SQL injections on backend we have JSON threat protection and Regular expression check in the API.

1.145 December 14, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.145. These changes will be live on 12/14

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

New Features: 

  • API Key Rotation | Enhanced Management and Security - Technical release 

Summary: Introducing following modifications to revolutionize your API key management experience and improved security. View API Credentials page is now modified to include Toolkit download option. This option will let you download all your credentials for a company you are part of. Manage Company page also includes toolkit download option. This option will let you download all your credentials for a company you are part of. My Integration Toolkit page - Track all toolkit downloads and get information on what devices/platform the toolkit is initialized on. Toolkit download page - Download and initialize toolkit and get access to previous toolkit versions. 


Direct access: Streamlined toolkit download directly from the portal with authentication.

Company-specific availability: Ensured compatibility with your setup. 

Multiple access points: Convenient download options from different locations. 

Simplified key dispensing: Efficiently manage and dispense keys within your application.

Enhanced security: Lock toolkit to a specific server for authorized use only.

Improved control: Ensure compatibility and reliable key dispensing. 

Unique identification: Prevent unauthorized initialization through server-specific UUID.

Version flexibility: Download the toolkit version that fits your needs. 

Seamless updates: Future enhancements and bug fixes delivered through new versions.

Detailed guidance: Clear installation instructions and release notes for informed decisions.

Future-proof solutions: Stay ahead of the curve with updated functionalities and security measures. Experience a new era of secure and efficient API key management with these groundbreaking features. 

  • JSON Threat Protection (JTP)- Technical release 

Summary: We are adding enhancements to enable this feature by analyzing product request/responses to suite Anywhere needs. With this release, we plan to move to next phase of turning this live as “Soft launch” in production by closely working with our publishers. Change to handle empty body scenario condition is updated for invoking JTP policies and Versioning changes for JTP values will be promoted in CICD production environment. 

Benefit: With this change empty body scenario is skipped invoking the JTP policies and distinguish and maintain different JTP values for different versions of an API 


  • Commissions API - Swagger Changes 

Summary: Commissions API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this additional change commissions API DealID, OfferID, DealType, CheckNumber, Amount, TransactionID, PaymentRequestGUID, ProcessingID and OktaID, paymentRequestId, statusId, oktaId query parameters are removed.

1.144 December 12, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.144. These changes will be live on 12/12

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

Enhancement : 

  • API Key Rotation | Integration Toolkit Download | Simplified Key Management 

Summary: Enhance your API key management experience with the newly available Integration Toolkit download option. This convenient feature allows you to download the toolkit directly from the developer portal, streamlining key dispensing within your application environment. 


  • Direct access: Download the Integration Toolkit directly from the portal, eliminating the need for external search and download. 
  • Company-specific availability: Access the toolkit based on your associated company, ensuring compatibility with your specific setup. 
  • Multiple access points: Download the toolkit from either the "Manage Companies" or "View API Credentials" pages for added convenience. Simplified key dispensing: Leverage the toolkit's capabilities to efficiently manage and dispense API keys within your application. This update provides a user-friendly and efficient solution for managing your API keys, empowering you to accelerate integration development and enhance your overall experience. 


  • API Key Rotation | Secure API Key Management with Integration Toolkit Registration

     Summary: Strengthen your API security by locking your Integration Toolkit to a specific location using your application fingerprint. This registration process ensures exclusive access to the toolkit on your designated server, preventing its unauthorized use elsewhere. 


  • Enhanced security: Restrict the use of your Integration Toolkit to a single server, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and key misuse. 
  • Improved control: Lock the downloaded toolkit to your specific server environment, ensuring compatibility and reliable key dispensing. 
  • Unique identification: Generate a unique toolkit UUID linked to your server parameters, preventing unauthorized initialization and ensuring secure operation. This robust registration process provides an additional layer of security for your API keys, giving you greater peace of mind and control over your integrations. 


  • API Key Rotation | API Key Management Evolved: Introducing Integration Toolkit Versioning 

    Summary: Enhance your API key management experience with the introduction of Integration Toolkit versioning. This new feature empowers you to download and utilize the specific toolkit version tailored to your needs. 


  • Version flexibility: Download and install the toolkit version that seamlessly integrates with your current environment. 
  • Seamless updates: Future feature enhancements and bug fixes will be delivered through new toolkit versions, ensuring continued optimal performance. 
  • Detailed guidance: Each version within the developer portal will provide clear installation instructions and comprehensive release notes for informed decision-making. 
  • Future-proof solutions: As your needs evolve, simply update to the latest toolkit version to leverage new functionalities and maintain cutting-edge security measures. This versioning system ensures you always have access to the most relevant and optimized toolkit, maximizing the efficiency and security of your API key management.


  •  Commissions API - Swagger Changes 

    Summary: Commissions API swagger update in production environment. 

    Benefit: With this additional change commissions API DealID, OfferID, DealType, CheckNumber, Amount, TransactionID, PaymentRequestGUID, ProcessingID and OktaID, paymentRequestId, statusId, oktaId query parameters are removed. 

  • Versioning changes for JTP Values - Technical release 

    Summary: Versioning changes for JTP values will be updated in CICD production environment. 

    Benefit: With this change we can distinguish and maintain different JTP values for different versions of an API. 

  • Condition change for JTP Policies - Technical release 

    Summary: Change to handle empty body scenario condition is updated for invoking JTP policies will be promoted in CICD production environment. 

    Benefit: With this change empty body scenario is skipped invoking the JTP policies.

1.143 December 07, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.143. These changes will be live on 12/07

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With these additional changes to the referralsservice API, Searching Referrals with source system is made possible. Addition of task methods will help referral service to create/update/delete/patch tasks related to any referral. 

  • MLS API - v2.0 Swagger Deployment. 

Summary: MLS API v2.0 swagger deployment in production environment. 

Benefit: With this change MLS API v2.0 is used provide rules for fields to show and hide on client website for version 2.0. 

  • MLSOffice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: MLSOffice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this additional change MLSOffice API is used to search office based on office_name, office_id, source, rdm_source. Now there is the endpoint to search office based on agent_id and added data_source query param for every endpoint to switch between office and analytics office collection, it is related to marketquest.

  •  Settlementcompany API - Swagger Refresh. 

Summary: settlementcompany API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: Settlementcompany API swagger documentation will be updated in portal production environment. 

  • Settlementcalculator API - New Swagger Deployment. 

Summary: Settlementcalculator API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this new API, will be able to allow outside client's access to information related to AIS Calculators. It returns output for calculations sent based on input criteria.

  • fcrmdealdata API - Swagger Refresh. 

Summary: fcrmdealdata API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this change 3 new fields are added to the request body for the endpoint Opportunity.

  • JTP and Regex Soft Launch changes - Technical release 

Summary: JTP and Regex Soft Launch changes for errors resolution. 

Benefit: With this change we are resolving few of the errors found in soft launch.

1.142 December 04, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.142. These changes will be live on 12/05

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • New Product Launch for Listing Business Capability

Summary: New product Listing Business Capability will be deployed for consumption.

Benefit: With the addition of this new product, Revolutionizing Anywhere's listing data. Enter once and use everywhere in real-time.


  • New Product Launch for Settlement Calculator

Summary: New product Settlement Calculator will be deployed for consumption.

Benefit: Settlement Calculator product provides the ability to onboard new companies in the the AIS system, CORE, and other applications.


  • Referral rewards API - Swagger Refresh

Summary: Referral rewards API swagger update in the production environment.

Benefit: With this additional change Referral rewards API will get RRBC search office endpoint added.

  • Relocation Authorization- Product content update

Summary: Relocation Authorization product content will be updated

Benefit: This is to provide more clarity to the consumers regarding the product’s capability.

1.140 November 28, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.140. These changes will be live on 11/28

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Address API - v2.0 Deployment. 

Summary: New version of Address API (v2.0) deployment in the production environment.

 Benefit: With this change, the new version of the Address API - v2.0 will be available for the consumers. Address API v2.0 is used to match or normalize US/International addresses. It utilizes numerous backend services to normalize the address. 

  • Dash API - Swagger Refresh. 

Summary: Dash API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefit: With this additional change dash API, the rateUnitCode field example is changed.

1.139 November 21, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.139. These changes will be live on 11/21

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

Enhancement : 

  • Referrallead API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referrallead API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this additional change Referrallead API will find the customer details based on phone number.

1.138 November 16, 2023 (4 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.138. These changes will be live on 11/16

With this release, we have worked on the following: 

Enhancement : 

  • Listing-Transactions API - New API Swagger Deployment. 

Summary: Listing-Transactions API new API swagger deployment in production environment.

 Benefit: Listing-Transactions API is used to search for listing transaction data based on search filters.

1.137 November 09, 2023 (5 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.137. These changes will be live on 11/09

With this release, we have worked on the following: 


  • Referralsservice API - Swagger Refresh. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger refreshes in the production environment. 

Benefit: With this additional change newly added schemas will be available for the consumers - referralStage, referralSubStatus, and activity.

1.134 October 26, 2023 (5 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.134. These changes will be live on 10/26

With this release, we are introducing 

Enhancement : Referralsservice API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Referralsservice API swagger update in production environment. 

Benefit: With this change the companyId, pageNum and unitPerPage query parameters are added in the few endpoints and receivingCompanyID query parameter is removed from one of the endpoint.

1.133 October 19, 2023 (5 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.133. These changes will be live on 10/19

With this release, we are introducing 

Enhancement: Dash API - Swagger Changes. 

Summary: Dash API swagger update in the production environment. 

Benefit: Previously 'delta' and 'Search' endpoints are available in v1.0 only. With this additional change, we are adding 'delta' and 'Search' endpoints for v2.0 to v4.0 versions.


1.128 September 28, 2023 (6 months ago)

What's new

Developer Portal

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.128. These changes will be live on 9/28.

With this release, we are introducing


  • Portal Contribute module upgrade

Summary: Upgrading all developer portal contribute modules to the latest version. And make it compatible with the Drupal 10 version.

Benefit: This will improve the developer portal CMS framework functionality, security enhancements, and bug fixes. Also, support while during the Drupal 10 upgrade.

  • JSON Threat Protection soft launch

Summary: JSON Threat protection soft launch will allow publishers to turn on an API in soft launch mode to understand the potential failures by analyzing the logs.

Benefit: Publishers will be able to analyze the potential incoming JSON issues based on the logs without making consumer calls fail. Fully automated CICD will provide the capability to publishers to turn on or turn off the soft launch by API.

  • Regular Expression Protection soft launch

Summary: Regular Expression protection soft launch will allow publishers to turn on an API in soft launch mode to understand the potential failures by analyzing the logs.

Benefit: Publishers will be able to analyze the potential RegEx issues based on the logs without making consumer calls fail. Fully automated CICD will provide the capability to publishers to turn on or turn off the soft launch by API.

  • New EAP API offering - MLS Office and MLS Agent APIs

Summary: The MLS Data Service product will get updated with 2 new APIs - MLS Office and MLS Agent

Benefit:  With this change consuming applications will be offered to consume the 2 new APIs.

  • Referrals service API - Swagger Refresh

Summary:  Referrals service API swagger refresh in the production environment

Benefit: With this update a new endpoint is offered to the consumers to get referral events based on referralCaseId or referralName.


1.121 August 29, 2023 (7 months ago)

What's new

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.121. These changes will be live on 8/29.

This release includes a number of enhancements that will improve the user experience, security, and compliance of our products and services.

Key Enhancements:

  • The new version of the API (AR API - New endpoints).
  • The new version of the API (Deferred Commissions API - New endpoint).
  • The Target URL update for Dashusers API.
  • The CORS update for Agent Income and Expenses API.


  • The new version of the AR API: AR API - New endpoints added

Summary: AR API swagger update in the production environment.

Benefit: With this additional change AR API swagger will be updated with 2 new endpoints where in that endpoints return the minimum payment due of the agent and Get the list of charges that make up the minimum payment due.

  • The new version of the Deferred commission API: Deferred commission API - New endpoint added

Summary: Deferred commission API swagger update in the production environment.

Benefit: With this additional change Deferred commission API swagger will be updated with 1 new endpoint where in this endpoint Gets the YTD(year to date) Pre deferred earnings.

  • The Target URL update for Dashusers API: Dashusers API – Target Update

Summary: To update the target URL for dashusers API as the target URL is migrated to AWS.

Benefit: With this change the dashusers API will target the new endpoint which is migrated to AWS.

  • The CORS update for Agent Income and Expenses API: Agent Income and Expenses API – CORS Update

Summary: To update the CORS Configuration for Agent Income and Expenses API.

Benefit: With this change Agent Income and Expenses API will get the requested URLs whitelisted and can access the Agent Income and Expenses API.

1.120 August 22, 2023 (7 months ago)

What's new

Please find the release notes below for the Developer Portal. This work was completed in APIM release 1.120. These changes will be live on 8/22.

With this release, we are introducing several updates and upgrades as below on the Developer portal as part of security compliance.

Key Enhancements:

  1. Developer Portal contributed module upgrade.
  2. Restricting service users to log in using portal UI.
  3. The new version of the API (AP API - New endpoint).
  4. The new version of the Products.
  • Software Update - Batch 1: Developer Portal contributed module upgrade.

Summary: Upgrading contributed modules in Drupal is an essential task to keep your website up-to-date, secure, and compatible with the latest Drupal core version.

Benefit: Security and compliance.

  • Security Improvement: Restricting service users to log in using portal UI.

Summary: Restricting service users to log in using the portal UI involves implementing security measures to ensure that only authorized users can access the portal's user interface for logging in.

Benefit: Security and compliance.

  • The new version of the API: AP API - New endpoint added

Summary: AP API swagger update in the production environment.

Benefit: The updated AP API swagger will allow users to get check details based on the check number, which improves the efficiency of the API and provides users with the information.

  • The new version of the Products: Product update – To remove search API from the listed 4 Products:

Leads Management

Marketing - Franchise

Marketing and Transactions

Listing Syndication

Summary: To update the scope for all 4 products with the search API removal.

Benefit: Limiting search API access to the internal team is necessary because the Search API is not connected with the ListSync application to restrict specific data elements. This will reduce the potential risk of unauthorized use of data.

1.95 December 01, 2022 (16 months ago)

What's new
  • Deal API modified swagger processing
  • Trident API modified swagger processing
  • Teams API Response Header Location Custom change
  • CORS KVM anywhere URL update
  • Pipeline to support YAML deployments
  • Pipeline to support the new basepath format

1.93 November 10, 2022 (16 months ago)

What's new
  • Vendor Self Certification – Tech Go live – Releasing new tech features 
  • APIM Admin - Product & API version mapping report.
  • Anonymous access key flag added to the My Apps and Apps report pages  
  • Release Note Modification 
  • Technical release tickets
  • Skip API version check for Options call for browser generated API calls

1.92 November 03, 2022 (17 months ago)

What's new
  • Download CSV needs to be download version history
  • Release Note – Publishers now will be able to publish release notes to Internal and/or External consumers. Note- Release notes publish to internal folks will not be visible to external consumers.
  • API Status page – Internal & External Categorization
  • All Swagger update - Production
  • Technical release tickets
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